Friday, 21 February 2020

Remove error_log files on a cPanel server

We will show you how to free up disk space by deleting/removing error_log files. You can remove the error_log files either by a single command or using a CRON JOB for automatic removal.
Note: Take the backups before you start. If you have limited server resources, then it would take a long time to run these commands.

Locate error_log Files on cPanel Servers:

First, let’s locate the error_log file using the command;
 find /home -type f -iname error_log -exec du -sh {} \;

-type: Specify the type to find.
-iname: Specify the name to find.
-exec: Execute the “du -sch” and lists the output with file size.

If you want to list the error_log files bigger than 50MB? You can use the below command, but remember that based on the file size you choose the run time of the commands would increase accordingly.

find /home/*/public_html -type f -name error_log -size +50000k -exec du -sh {} \;

Remove all error_log files:

The command “find” has a “delete” option to remove all the error_log file from the directory. Check the below command to remove error_log files:

 find /home -type f -iname error_log –delete
-delete: This switch used to remove all the outputs from the find command.

Remove error_log files using CRONJOB

The command “CRONJOB” is used to remove the error_log files periodically. Follow the below code to create cron.

/bin/find /home -type f -iname error_log –delete

For example:
* 21* */bin/find/home –type f –iname error_log –delete

This command line will delete all the error_log files periodically every day at 9 PM server time.
If you find any issues in a particular file, you can change the file location accordingly.

You can also check : 7 Tips to free disk space on cPanel server

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Thursday, 13 February 2020

Fix SMTP error 421, 451

Well, you might be receiving an error message while sending an email to your recipient in the form of a three-digit number, each containing a detail about the server or an answer to a command. First, try restarting the mail server but if it keeps coming up follow the steps below. So let’s see how to fix SMTP error 421, 451:

421 SMTP Server error: too many concurrent sessions

SMTP error 421 denotes either a temporary problem on the mail server or a problem with the recipient's email account.

If you reached a limit (restriction) on your mail account you may get a 421 error as some mail providers might return this error.

Depending on the cause we will see how to fix SMTP error 421. You need to try each below solution until it’s fixed.

Solution1: Fix the Outlook Configuration Issues

If this issue is caused right after the configuration of the outlook account, then the error is occurred due to a configuration mistake. The invalid port number setting or mail server name will show “421 cannot connect to SMTP Server” error while sending or receiving an email so remove the email account and add the account again.

To add the configuration correctly follow the below steps:
Step 1 - Open Outlook account and go to File > Account Setting, Select the email account and click Remove button.
Step 2- Once the account is removed, click the New button then select the Email account and enter the required information. Click Next and wait for the settings to be configured and check the test mail sent.
Step 3- If the test email delivered successfully, then your account is configured properly. In case, if you face the same error then follow Solution2.

Solution2: Change the SMTP port number

When you enter a wrong SMTP port number you will end up receiving an SMTP 421 error. You can check by changing the SMTP port number from Port 25 to 465 and see if the normal functionality resumes. 
For this you need to go to File > Account Settings, then choose the email account that’s affected and click on the Change button.
In the Change Account window, select More Settings > Advanced tab and now set to 465 in modify the Outgoing server (SMTP).
Ensure ‘Use the following type of encrypted connection: is set to SSL ‘.

Solution3: Check 3rd party firewall interference

Though the firewall protects us against malicious attacks, it can block certain IP ranges, so let’s test by disabling 3rd party firewall and send a test mail.
For that Open the Control Panel > under Programs and Features section choose your 3rd -party antivirus and uninstall it. Then check by restarting your PC.
You can install the firewall from the official site and re-check the error by sending a test mail.

Solution4: Check VPN interference

Try sending a test mail once after you disable your VPN connection, if the mail is sent successfully, then the VPN will be the cause of the error. If the error persists you might probably need to contact the VPN network support and ask to whitelist the email server.

SMTP error 451 Exchange Server Error

Next, we will see how to fix SMTP error 451. When you face issues as mail limits exceeded, DNS errors, unreachable mail servers, etc., the Email Relay environment will get affected due to a temporary exchange server. This 451 server error can be due to a discrepancy on Sender or Receiver Exchange server. Let’s see how to resolve the 451 server error.

Step to resolve Exchange Server Error 451

Inspect Queue Viewer
  • Open Exchange Management Console > Click Edge Transport server.
  • Then go to toolbox > Queue Viewer.
  • Select Mail Flow tools > Queue Viewer tool.

Verify DNS Configuration

  • Login to the Edge Transport server locally and use Console Switch, if you are accessing “Remote Desktop Connection”.
  • Next, open Exchange Management Console > Edge Transport Server > properties.
  • Then go to Internal DNS Lookups and check whether it is in Default Configuration Setting. If not, set it to Default.

Implementing Internal and External Lookups

1. Internal Lookups
When you have multiple network adapters, you need to go with an Internal Network Card and then choose the card to access the DNS setting. If any misconfiguration occurs, it will allow all the IP addresses to modify.
If there is no IP address detected, then the NIC card might not be configured with DNS server entries. Therefore fill the card with appropriate details and confirm the configuration.   

2. External Lookups
If you are using a single network card with public DNS, modification of configuration may affect external resolution and it might stop the email flow.

Command Line tools to test DNS Server

NSLOOKUP – To get DNS records that hold Server & IP address Information.
TELNET – To test ports.

Locate IP Address of the Server
  • First, type “nslookup” to find a server IP address and click to open the NSLOOKUP tool.
  • Next, type set type=mx and press enter.
  • Finally, enter the domain name you wish to extract the MX record and hit enter.

Check out SMTP connection Via TELNET command

  • Open Command Prompt (cmd) and enter telnet.
  • Enter set logfile (location:/filename)
  • Next, type open 25 and press enter.
  • Now type the command EHLO and execute it.
  • Compose test email message with parameters like from, receive, notify, data and subject.
  • After the process termination, it will generate a success or failure confirmation report.

Hope you would have fixed. If the issue still persists or any other email error Try Expert Solution.
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Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Hybrid Cloud – The key survival in today’s business

Cloud technologies are one of the mainstream options in the IT world and global enterprises have already migrated into cloud computing. Due to a lack of control and privacy, opting to go fully on the public cloud will not be the best for IT infrastructure. So if your enterprise is looking for the benefits of both Public and Private Cloud, then the best option would be a hybrid cloud.

‘’ Right Scale survey estimation indicates that enterprises with a hybrid cloud strategy have grown to 58% in 2020, up from 51% in 2018. It also says that 28% of enterprises who haven't yet adopted hybrid cloud consider it a priority to do so.’’

Now you might wonder why hybrid cloud is heading, the main reasons is its Simplicity, Security and Collaboration. As we know it’s not going to be an overnight success, but you can expect cost savings and increased operational efficiency if it is deployed properly.
Few companies are deviating from building their own data centers, as they can create one in the cloud with a few clicks of a mouse. Let us see what are the main advantage of adopting hybrid cloud systems for enterprises.

Key Benefits of Hybrid Cloud:

•          Security

When compared to other public clouds, the Hybrid cloud has a key potential to increase the security level. Using a hybrid cloud, companies can decide which applications or services can be stored in public and private clouds.  This helps you to keep all your sensitive data on a highly secured dedicated infrastructure. The proper integration of public and private cloud will play a better role in strengthening the security level. It also ensures the cloud space from overburdening. Therefore it provides end-to-end security for the data stored.

•          Cost-Effective

A hybrid cloud follows a pay-as-you-need model that is, you only have to pay for resources that you use. It offers you the flexibility to manage costs without comprising the quality of services i.e., its reduction in your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). 

•          More flexibility

As we know flexibility is one of the core advantages that enterprises look for in the cloud environment. The hybrid infrastructure is designed in such a way that you get maximum efficiency and scalability.
You can choose where to put your applications, where they can run best etc., by providing a more way for flexibility than before. It combines the security of a private cloud with the scalability of a public cloud to meet your specific requirements.

Wrapping up:

In the upcoming days, hybrid cloud models will focus on keeping your core systems in place while using cloud applications to ‘innovate around the edges’. Being selective in choosing the right technology cloud players is key. When it’s used properly, Hybrid models can modernize and will be future-proof existing technology for your organization.

You can check our latest blog on: Run multiple PHP versions on the same server

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