Monday, 21 August 2017

Five ways to optimize your Nginx server

Five ways to optimize your Nginx server

Nginx is an open-source HTTP(web) server and reverse proxy, and an IMAP/POP3 proxy server (email server). It was developed to tackle the C10K problem that web servers in use at the time, which was largely Apache, were facing. C10K is simply a numeronym that stands for concurrently handling 10000 connections. Nginx was designed with the drawbacks of Apache in mind.
Five ways to optimize your Nginx server
Although Nginx is by default, fast and nimble, it can be fine-tuned to perform at its peak, by modifying the following parameters:
1. Worker Processes
Unlike ApacheNginx does NOT create a new process for every connection that hits it. It instead has a predefined (set by an admin) number

403 Forbidden Error – Causes and Fixes

403 Forbidden Error – Causes and Fixes

You spend months, working day in and out coding your website and it is finally time to test it. You type the URL of the website in a browser and hit enter, only to be slapped back with a 403 Forbidden error. Can be very frustrating for a web designer.
403 Forbidden Error-Causes and Fixes
403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code error, that is displayed on the browser on which you’re accessing the website. What the error is essentially telling you is, your request reached the web server, was authenticated and processed, but the server chose to do nothing with your request because you were

Useful Firewall Rules to Configure and Manage Firewall in Linux

Useful Firewall Rules to Configure and Manage Firewall in Linux

Managing network traffic is a critical aspect of any organization and a tricky job for system administrators. Knowing what traffic to allow and what to block can be a matter of being safe or vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
Firewall Configure Rules
A firewall is a tool built to aid system administrator’s in regulating incoming and outgoing traffic. System administrators working with Linux servers must be familiar with Iptables. Iptables is a flexible firewall tool built for Linux operating systems. Iptables can seem intimidating, but knowing a few tricks and commands could make working with Iptables much easier.
1. What is Iptables and how to view them

To create a hosted zone using the Amazon Route 53 console

To create a hosted zone using the Amazon Route 53 console

  1. 1. Sign in to the Route 53 console, and select Hosted Zones from the navigation pane on the left.
  2. 2. Choose Create Hosted Zone.
  3. 3. Enter the following information into the corresponding fields:
    • For Domain Name, type your domain name; for example, “”.
    • For Comment, type text that describes what the subdomain does or is for.
    • For Type, choose Public.
    • Choose Create.
    • Route 53 will create the subdomain. Choose your newly created hosted zone, find the record with type NS, and take note of the four AWS name servers in the Value column.

Next, create a new record set under your parent domain that points to your subdomain:
  1. Read more